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What did you finish reading?
Despite the lulls, I loved this book! Then again, I like all of Dan Brown's other books, so it was expected. I was just glad my high hopes proved true!
Arclight (Arclight #1) by Josin L. McQuein 3/5 (review)
Read review.
Read review.
Radiant (Unearthly 2.5) by Cynthia Hand 4/5
Although I've already finished the series, this book did a good job of explaining that mysterious summer in Italy and how gaga Angela was over her beau.
Hemlock (Hemlock #1) by Kathleen Peacock 4/5 (review)
A bit boring in the very beginning, but I'm glad I kept reading because the plot and ideas were arranged wonderfully.
What am I currently reading?
Page 60 of 457. I lost all enthusiasm for this book when I started reading it. It's a bit of a bore, but people tell me it will get better, so I'll keep reading. I really hope it develops a progressive plot very soon.
Aberrant by Ruth Silver
22%. This book is quite interesting, and I like the concept! Admittedly I am a bit tired of the typical dystopian format of "the wall" "rebels" and such, but the social issues in this books is very different than some other well known YA dystopians.
Page 106 of 424 (26%). I've stopped this book for a while until I finish some of my other currently reading books, because you know how I like to dedicate my time to Michael Crichton to really delve into the novel.
Samurai Summer by Åke Edwardson
6%. Um.. this book is a little different with it's writing style. I'll have to read it a bit more to adjust to the writing so I can focus more on the plot.
What am I planning to read next?
Faithful by Janet Fox
This is the next book due at the library after 5th Wave.
The Archived by Victoria Schwab
This is due the same day at Faithful.
The Kill Order by James Dashner
This is due the same day as the previous two, lol!
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