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Format: Kindle, Netgalley
Published: May 14th, 2013 by Ballantine Books
Genre: Adult, Historical Fiction
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Perfect for fans of Philippa Gregory and Alison Weir, and Showtime’s The Tudors, The Boleyn King is the first book in an enthralling trilogy that dares to imagine: What if Anne Boleyn had actually given Henry VIII a son who grew up to be king?
Just seventeen years old, Henry IX, known as William, is a king bound by the restraints of the regency yet anxious to prove himself. With the French threatening battle and the Catholics sowing the seeds of rebellion at home, William trusts only three people: his older sister Elizabeth; his best friend and loyal counselor, Dominic; and Minuette, a young orphan raised as a royal ward by William’s mother, Anne Boleyn.
Against a tide of secrets, betrayal, and murder, William finds himself fighting for the very soul of his kingdom. Then, when he and Dominic both fall in love with Minuette, romantic obsession looms over a new generation of Tudors. One among them will pay the price for a king’s desire, as a shocking twist of fate changes England’s fortunes forever. -Goodreads
"Scrawled across the bottom in large, angry letters was nothing less than treason: England will not have a Boleyn King." (loc.861)An alternative historical fiction, The Boleyn Kings asks us What if Anne Boleyn had given birth to her son? William is this son, and he succeeds his father Henry VIII and becomes King. This book begins the account of his official reign, as well as the lives of his older sister Elizabeth, and their friends and confidants Dominic and Minuette. In a world of lies, wars, secrets, treason and romance, The Boleyn King is a diverse book that accustoms to many interests.
"Henry had cast off a queen and a daughter and a religion for Anne, and all of Europe had been asking ever since if he had found her worth it in the end." (loc.3444)I fell in love with the book more and more as I read on. Not only does it cater to my historical fulfillment, but my fantasy, adventure and even romance needs as well. This is saying something, since I wouldn't consider myself the greatest romance genre aficionado. The love, lust, hate and ignorance between the characters gave way to secrets and forlorn hopes within the kingdom, and it may be this very aspect that may lead to William's undoing. Who knows? I certainly wouldn't mind finding out from the next books in the series! I found the characters wholly formed and personable, as their personalities developed throughout the book as they grew in both years and experience. The strong-minded Elizabeth, quick-temper multitasking William, strategic clearheaded Dominic and cunning observant Minuette make a wonderful team as they try to ascertain peace in both their country and court.
"I have to find the Penitent's Confession before it can be used to start a war." (loc.3639)The scandal of murder and treason is a great drum that keeps the tempo of the novel as these four main characters try to determine who's spreading lies about William's parentage and claim to the throne. Princess Mary, who despises Elizabeth and William's mother, Anne Boleyn, seems to be at the center of things, but are things really as they seem?
"'We each of us have our duties. And when they are finished, we will come back together and all will be well.'" (loc.3466)The author, Laura Anderson, has a glorified writing style, in which it is historically aged yet easy to read and comprehend. To me, the writing style and being able to easily understand it, is a huge factor in a successful historical fiction. In all, I found this book very delightful and fulfilling as I traipsed along with the characters while they do their best to protect and perform their duties to their nation, themselves and their King, William.
First Line:"For Anne Boleyn, the world had narrowed in the last twenty hours to this (...)" (loc.55)
Last Line:"'Trust me, Lord Robert, this is only the beginning.'" (loc.4284)
"'When I am eighteen, they'll see I've been paying a good deal of attention. They think they are molding me to be biddable when older. They will learn better.'" (loc.272)
"'So that's the line they're taking, is it? Not only is William a bastard, but he is a bastard born of incest. A Boleyn King. The Spanish want people to wonder whose son he really is.'" (loc.1724)
Galley provided by NetGalley via Ballantine Books (an imprint of Random House Publishing Group)
*Quotes are from uncorrected advanced galleys and may change before going to press. Please refer to the final printed book for official quotes.
[…] 2. The Boleyn King by Laura Andersen: Ever wondered what would’ve happened had Anne Boleyn given Henry VIII a boy? This is a great alternative historical fiction :) REVIEW […]
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