Q: Activity! Who is your to-die-for book crush? What do you think they look like? Add an image to make us all happy.
A. Woop! I’m featured? AWESOME! So my pick for my to-die for book crush is an easy pick. REYES ALEXANDER FARROW!! Reyes is an essential piece of the pie in Darynda Jones’ Charley Davidson series (First Grave on the Right, Second Grave on the left, Third Grave Dead Ahead and recently, Fourth Grave Beneath My Feet)
Also known as Rey'aziel, which means 'the beautiful one', he is the detached son of Satan with a map of the underworld tattooed on his beautifully sculpted body.
“And this particular bad boy had been dipped in a lake of beauty when he was born. His arms corded with muscles across a wide chest; his full mouth, too sensual for my peace of mind, sat in a grim, moody line; his dark hair, forever in need of a trim, curled at his neck and tumbled over his forehead. And I could just make out his thick lashes as they fanned across his cheeks.” -Fourth Grave Beneath My Feet
Oh, he’s also Charley’s loverboy and a complete enigma. Gaaaah, I need to fan myself before I get the vapors!
Image wise, I’ll choose an actor who could definitely fit the bill... Michael Fassbender (if you know anything about me besides my love of books, it's that I love me some Michael Fassbender) :) Enjoy!
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